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SDK usage for Android

Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net, Media Player SDK .Net, Media Blocks SDK .Net

VisioForge.Core.UI.Android package contains UI controls for the .Net Android platform.


You need to add the custom Java Bindings Library to your project for correct work on Android.

  1. Clone the binding library folder from GitHub.
  2. Add the VisioForge.Core.Android.X7.csproj (net7) or VisioForge.Core.Android.X8.csproj (net8) to your solution.
  3. Add the helper library dependency to your project csproj file (only for Android target). Replace the path to the library if needed.
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\AndroidDependency\VisioForge.Core.Android.X7.csproj" />

VideoView usage

Add the VideoView to the Activity or Fragment layout:

android:id="@+id/videoView" />


SDK has independent redist packages for each platform. You can find more information on the Deployment of used SDK.

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