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Custom filter interface usage

Products: Video Capture SDK .Net, Video Edit SDK .Net, Media Player SDK .Net

Sample code

We’ll work with Video Capture SDK .Net. API is the same for all SDKs.

Video Capture SDK has an OnFilterAdded event.

To get the DirectShow IBaseFilter interface, use code like this:

IBaseFilter baseFilter = eventArgs.Filter as IBaseFilter;

Add VisioForge.Shared assembly to your project to have DirectShow API support.

To use your custom interface, you can get it using the same way from eventArgs.Filter.

The OnFilterAdded event can be called many times. Check the filter name to find the correct interface.

Please contact support to get help with this tutorial. Visit our GitHub page to get more code samples.

Required redists

  • SDK redist

How can the required redists be installed or deployed to the user's PC?

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