Resolved wrong aspect ratio with video resize effect/block
Updated GStreamer redist
Added Basler USB3/GigE cameras support in Media Blocks SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
Added Stream support in MediaInfoReader. You can get the video/audio file information from a stream (DB, network, memory, etc.).
Updated Live Video Compositor engine, which improved support of the file sources
Added API to get snapshots from video files using MediaInfoReaderX: GetFileSnapshotBitmap, GetFileSnapshotSKBitmap, GetFileSnapshotRGB
iOS support in MAUI samples
Resolved memory leak issue for RTSP sources
Added RTSP MultiView in Sync Demo
Added support for FLIR/Teledyne cameras (USB3Vision/GigE) using the Spinnaker SDK
.Net 7 support returned to the MAUI package (was removed by CI error).
The IAsyncDisposable interface was added to all SDK's core classes. DisposeAsync call should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
Added HLS streaming sample
Improved MAUI video rendering speed
Resolved MAUI media playback issues (decoding) in MAUI Android
Resolved an issue with the H264 webcam sources (sometimes not connected)
Resolved an issue with audio stream playback in the Live VideoCompositor engine
Resolved a bad audio issue while mixing using the Live Video Compositor engine
Added Decklink output and file source into the Live Video Compositor sample. You can play growing MPEG-TS files while it's recorded
[API breaking change] DeviceEnumerator can now be used only by using DeviceEnumerator.Shared property. It is required to have one enumerator per app. DeviceEnumerator objects used by API have been removed
[API breaking change] Android Activity is not required anymore to create SDK engines
[API breaking change] X-engines require additional initialization and de-initialization steps. To initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.InitSDK() call. To de-initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.DestroySDK() call. You need to initialize SDK before any SDK class usage and de-initialize SDK before the application exits.
Improved MAUI video rendering performance in Windows
[Avalonia] Resolved an issue with Avalonia VideoView resize
Added the StartPosition and StopPosition properties to UniversalSourceSettings. You can use these properties to set the start and stop positions for the file source.
Resolved the issue with passwords with special characters used for RTSP sources
Resolved the rare video flip issue with the Virtual Camera SDK engine
The VisioForge MJPEG Decoder filter was removed from the SDK's NuGet packages. You can optionally add it to your project by file copying or COM registration deployment.
Fixed memory leak in the OverlayManager
Resolved issue with the VideoSampleGrabberBlock, SetLastFrame option
DeviceEnumerator got events to notify about devices added/removed: OnVideoSourceAdded, OnVideoSourceRemoved, OnAudioSourceAdded, OnAudioSourceRemoved, OnAudioSinkAdded, OnAudioSinkRemoved
Added custom error handler support for MediaBlocks, VideoCaptureCoreX, and MediaPlayerCoreX engines. Use the IMediaBlocksPipelineCustomErrorHandler interface and the SetCustomErrorHandler method to set a custom error handler.
Added the BufferSink block to get video/audio frames from the pipeline.
Added the CustomMediaBlock class to create custom media blocks for any GStreamer element.
Added the UpdateChannel method to update the channel of the bridge source or sink.
Updated device enumerator. Removed unwanted firewall dialog when listing NDI sources.
Fixed an issue with the video mixer when adding/removing video sources.
Added VideoCropBlock and VideoAspectRatioCropBlock blocks to crop video frames.
Resolved wrong frame rate issue with VideoRateBlock.
Resolved an issue with the Tempo audio effect.
.Net 8 support
Added the MPEG-2 video encoder.
Added the MP2 audio encoder.
Resolved Decklink enumeration issues.
Default VP8/VP9 settings changed to live recording.
Added DNxHD video encoder support.
Avalonia 11.0.5 support.
Updated VLC source (libVLC 3.0.19).
Updated FFMPEG sources and encoders. Resolved issue with missed MSVC dependencies.
Updated Decklink source. Resolved the issue with the incorrect device name.
SkiaSharp security updates.
Updated Overlay Manager. Added OverlayManagerDateTime class to draw current date time and custom text.
Updated OverlayManagerImage. Resolved issue with System.Drawing.Bitmap usage.
Resolved rare crash issue with WinUI VideoView
Updated Avalonia VideoView. Resolved issue with VideoView recreation.
Updated WPF rendering. Improved performance for 4K and 8K videos.
Updated device enumerator
Resolved issue with VU Meter (event not fired)
Added IAsyncDisposable interface support for cross-platform core classes. It should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
Added NDI Source demo
Resolve the "image not found" issue with the WinUI NuGet package
Added MP3+CDG Karaoke Player demo
Added CDGSourceBlock for MP3+CDG karaoke files playback
WinUI VideoView updated to fix issues during audio files playback
Added VNC source support. You can use VNCSourceBlock class as a video source block.
Resolved issues with NDI sources detection in the local network
Added KLVParser class to read and decode data from KLV binary files.
Added KLVFileSink block. You can export KLV data from MPEG-TS files.
Added KLV demo.
Added WASAPI 2 support.
Updated Video Effects API. Added Grayscale media block.
Added Live Video Compositor API and sample.
Updated Avalonia VideoView control. Resolved issues with video playback on Windows on HighDPI displays.
Added YouTubeSink and FacebookLiveSink blocks with custom YouTube/Facebook configurations. RTMPSink can stream to YouTube/Facebook the same as before.
Added SqueezeBack video mixer block.
Updated scrolling text logo. Added the Preload method to render a text overlay before playback.
Updated scrolling text logo (performance)
Updated Decklink sink blocks
Resolved crash with a text logo with a custom resolution
Added Intel QuickSync H264, HEVC, VP9 and MJPEG encoders support.
Updated MP4SinkBlock. The sink can split output files by duration, file size or timecode. Use MP4SplitSinkSettings instead MP4SinkSettings to configure.
Added VideoEffectsBlock to use video effects, available in Windows SDKs
Updated Decklink source
Added Decklink Demo (WPF)
Resolved the DeinterlaceBlend video effect crash
Used 3rd-party libraries moved to VisioForge.Libs.External assembly/NuGet
Added Nvidia Maxine Video Effects SDK (BETA) and sample app for Media Player SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
VisioForge HW encoders update
.Net 7 support
MAUI samples (BETA) are added
ONVIFControl and other ONVIF-related APIs are available for all platforms