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  • Resolved wrong aspect ratio with video resize effect/block
  • Updated GStreamer redist
  • Added Basler USB3/GigE cameras support in Media Blocks SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
  • Added Stream support in MediaInfoReader. You can get the video/audio file information from a stream (DB, network, memory, etc.).
  • Updated Live Video Compositor engine, which improved support of the file sources
  • Added API to get snapshots from video files using MediaInfoReaderX: GetFileSnapshotBitmap, GetFileSnapshotSKBitmap, GetFileSnapshotRGB
  • iOS support in MAUI samples
  • Resolved memory leak issue for RTSP sources
  • Added RTSP MultiView in Sync Demo
  • Added support for FLIR/Teledyne cameras (USB3Vision/GigE) using the Spinnaker SDK
  • .Net 7 support returned to the MAUI package (was removed by CI error).
  • The IAsyncDisposable interface was added to all SDK's core classes. DisposeAsync call should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
  • Added HLS streaming sample
  • Improved MAUI video rendering speed
  • Resolved MAUI media playback issues (decoding) in MAUI Android
  • Resolved an issue with the H264 webcam sources (sometimes not connected)
  • Resolved an issue with audio stream playback in the Live VideoCompositor engine
  • Resolved a bad audio issue while mixing using the Live Video Compositor engine
  • Added Decklink output and file source into the Live Video Compositor sample. You can play growing MPEG-TS files while it's recorded


  • [API breaking change] DeviceEnumerator can now be used only by using DeviceEnumerator.Shared property. It is required to have one enumerator per app. DeviceEnumerator objects used by API have been removed
  • [API breaking change] Android Activity is not required anymore to create SDK engines
  • [API breaking change] X-engines require additional initialization and de-initialization steps. To initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.InitSDK() call. To de-initialize SDK, use the VisioForge.Core.VisioForgeX.DestroySDK() call. You need to initialize SDK before any SDK class usage and de-initialize SDK before the application exits.
  • Improved MAUI video rendering performance in Windows
  • [Avalonia] Resolved an issue with Avalonia VideoView resize
  • Added the StartPosition and StopPosition properties to UniversalSourceSettings. You can use these properties to set the start and stop positions for the file source.
  • Resolved the issue with passwords with special characters used for RTSP sources
  • Resolved the rare video flip issue with the Virtual Camera SDK engine
  • The VisioForge MJPEG Decoder filter was removed from the SDK's NuGet packages. You can optionally add it to your project by file copying or COM registration deployment.
  • Fixed memory leak in the OverlayManager
  • Resolved issue with the VideoSampleGrabberBlock, SetLastFrame option
  • DeviceEnumerator got events to notify about devices added/removed: OnVideoSourceAdded, OnVideoSourceRemoved, OnAudioSourceAdded, OnAudioSourceRemoved, OnAudioSinkAdded, OnAudioSinkRemoved
  • Added custom error handler support for MediaBlocks, VideoCaptureCoreX, and MediaPlayerCoreX engines. Use the IMediaBlocksPipelineCustomErrorHandler interface and the SetCustomErrorHandler method to set a custom error handler.
  • Added the BufferSink block to get video/audio frames from the pipeline.
  • Added the CustomMediaBlock class to create custom media blocks for any GStreamer element.
  • Added the UpdateChannel method to update the channel of the bridge source or sink.
  • Updated device enumerator. Removed unwanted firewall dialog when listing NDI sources.
  • Fixed an issue with the video mixer when adding/removing video sources.
  • Added VideoCropBlock and VideoAspectRatioCropBlock blocks to crop video frames.
  • Resolved wrong frame rate issue with VideoRateBlock.
  • Resolved an issue with the Tempo audio effect.


  • .Net 8 support
  • Added the MPEG-2 video encoder.
  • Added the MP2 audio encoder.
  • Resolved Decklink enumeration issues.
  • Default VP8/VP9 settings changed to live recording.
  • Added DNxHD video encoder support.
  • Avalonia 11.0.5 support.
  • Updated VLC source (libVLC 3.0.19).
  • Updated FFMPEG sources and encoders. Resolved issue with missed MSVC dependencies.
  • Updated Decklink source. Resolved the issue with the incorrect device name.
  • SkiaSharp security updates.
  • Updated Overlay Manager. Added OverlayManagerDateTime class to draw current date time and custom text.
  • Updated OverlayManagerImage. Resolved issue with System.Drawing.Bitmap usage.
  • Resolved rare crash issue with WinUI VideoView


  • Updated Avalonia VideoView. Resolved issue with VideoView recreation.
  • Updated WPF rendering. Improved performance for 4K and 8K videos.
  • Updated device enumerator
  • Resolved issue with VU Meter (event not fired)
  • Added IAsyncDisposable interface support for cross-platform core classes. It should be used to dispose of the core objects in async methods.
  • Added NDI Source demo
  • Resolve the "image not found" issue with the WinUI NuGet package
  • Added MP3+CDG Karaoke Player demo
  • Added CDGSourceBlock for MP3+CDG karaoke files playback
  • WinUI VideoView updated to fix issues during audio files playback
  • Added VNC source support. You can use VNCSourceBlock class as a video source block.
  • Resolved issues with NDI sources detection in the local network
  • Added KLVParser class to read and decode data from KLV binary files.
  • Added KLVFileSink block. You can export KLV data from MPEG-TS files.
  • Added KLV demo.
  • Added WASAPI 2 support.
  • Updated Video Effects API. Added Grayscale media block.
  • Added Live Video Compositor API and sample.
  • Updated Avalonia VideoView control. Resolved issues with video playback on Windows on HighDPI displays.
  • Added OpenCV blocks: CVDewarp, CVDilate, CVEdgeDetect, CVEqualizeHistogram, CVErode, CVFaceBlur, CVFaceDetect, CVHandDetect, CVLaplace, CVMotionCells, CVSmooth, CVSobel, CVTemplateMatch, CVTextOverlay, CVTracker
  • [CV] Resolved the issue with wrong face coordinates.
  • [CV, Media Blocks SDK .Net] Added Face Detector block.
  • Added rav1e AV1 video encoder.
  • Added GIF video encoder.
  • Added NDI Sink and NDI source blocks.
  • Resolved NDI SDK detection issues.
  • Updated Speex encoder.
  • Updated Video Mixer block.
  • Added Save/Load methods for output format to serialize into JSON.
  • Added MJPEG HTTP Live streaming sink block.
  • Resolved MP4 HW QSV H264 regression.
  • WinForms and WPF VideoView stability updates.
  • Added fade-in/out feature for image overlay block.
  • Telemetry update
  • SDKs updated to use the ObservableCollection instead of List in public API.
  • Updated MP4 HW output. Improved NVENC performance.
  • Added Video Compositor sample.
  • Added YouTubeSink and FacebookLiveSink blocks with custom YouTube/Facebook configurations. RTMPSink can stream to YouTube/Facebook the same as before.
  • Added SqueezeBack video mixer block.
  • Updated scrolling text logo. Added the Preload method to render a text overlay before playback.
  • Updated scrolling text logo (performance)
  • Updated Decklink sink blocks
  • Resolved crash with a text logo with a custom resolution
  • Added Intel QuickSync H264, HEVC, VP9 and MJPEG encoders support.
  • Updated MP4SinkBlock. The sink can split output files by duration, file size or timecode. Use MP4SplitSinkSettings instead MP4SinkSettings to configure.
  • Added VideoEffectsBlock to use video effects, available in Windows SDKs
  • Updated Decklink source
  • Added Decklink Demo (WPF)
  • Resolved the DeinterlaceBlend video effect crash
  • Used 3rd-party libraries moved to VisioForge.Libs.External assembly/NuGet
  • Added Nvidia Maxine Video Effects SDK (BETA) and sample app for Media Player SDK .Net and Video Capture SDK .Net
  • VisioForge HW encoders update


  • .Net 7 support
  • MAUI samples (BETA) are added
  • ONVIFControl and other ONVIF-related APIs are available for all platforms
  • Resolved issue with WPF HighDPI apps that use EVR
  • Added WPF Screen Capture Demo


  • The initial version (the same as for other SDKs)